
I know. I'm torn between watching this… tainted thing, or just waiting for the books. But ol GRR might die before that happens. So, kinda a damned if you do, damned if you don't, sort of thing.

I think there is a strong correlation between the amount of time spent away from the source material and the quality of the writing, especially the dialogue. The further it gets away, the worse it is in quality.

Yes!! Thank you! Wendy has always bothered me. If there is one thing I can't stand is a hypocrite, and what I can't stand even more is a SMUG hypocrite. Patient/Doctor confidentiality doesn't mean you never report illegal actions to the police (For example, if someone confessed to their therapist that they molest

Nerdsplaining. Tell me. What is the weather like up your own ass?

I do want to talk about the show, rather then all the religions in the world.

You bet. It pretty much superstitious thinking. But to broadly proclaim this type of thinking is shared by all modern religions is not only inaccurate, but also begins to digress about talking about the show and more talking about your own personal beliefs.

Here's a crazy idea. How about we not take treat this show as some sort of theological revelation and just enjoy it for it is, without the tired attempt to reinforce your beliefs?

The sex was consensual. It was not rape.

A legacy viewer? Did you pay extra money for that?

Holy shit. Howard isn't nearly as big as a douchenozzle I made him out to be. He's still a douchenozzle, but just not doubly so.

When I first heard that this show was going to be made, I thought it was either a cash-grab or just some pet project of Gillian's.

I do have to agree re: Linda's showtunes. It's cute and gives her a passion from time to time, but it's starting to become her go-to solution to ALL the problems that show up. That's deranged behaviour!

Your pretentious post gives me manpain.

They killed him off too.

According to Erik Adams, yes.

Disclaimer: No actual human beings were harmed in the making of Game of Thrones. They are fictional characters that reside in a fictional fantasy world.

I'm sure when a wolf really appeared, the boy was quite sincere as well. Then he got ate.

There might be a fine line between throwing a celebration due to the death of a horrible person, real or fictitious, and just refusing to be sad of their demise. I choose the second option, so I can keep some sort of moral composure.

Glen is Korean. Racist cannibal jokes are fine, but at least make them accurate. GOD.

Meh, There's a line between naive and stupid. A thin line, perhaps, but one nevertheless.