
Isn’t supreme the fuckboy brand? Because if so that sounds like something appropriate.

Sauteed collards????

So the great white American is gonna come save the helpless black Zimbabweans from a dictator? that didn’t work out well for her... did it?


Everyone knows you have to say the comma out loud!

Or UzBeckyBeckystan. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Almost none, unless they have some stuff we want?* We’ll probably demand her back and then the only famous person (with a platform) mentioning Mugabe will be George Clooney? She’ll have some kind of foundation like Elizabeth Smart, but people will only care about the harrowing details.

She wouldn’t have had this issue in Nambia. IJS

All I got for her is a shrug emoji. As the great Kat Williams said “if you yell ‘fuck everybody in the club’, you can’t just walk back to your car”.

I just said this the other day. They don’t want the Nice Black Girl. They want to girl everyone lusts after. The girl who has options. Options that aren’t his ass because he’s lacking personality, unfunny, stupid, and/or ugly. Tell the truth and shame the devil.

It’s the weirdest thing:

Right outside of the frame of a Camp B: Nice Black Buy lusting over a Black Girl who doesn’t want him, is the Nice Black Girl he ignored. That is never acknowledged and that chaps my hide.

Because some people deep down want black women “punished” for reproducing. It makes people feel superior when they can point at others and say how bad their life choices are. It’s easier than trying to change a society that’s rigged against the poor and minorities.

Because it’s not really about Russell. This is alllllllll about Ciara Princess Harris and other people being insecure and needing therapy.

There are two camps of men who see Ciara as damaged goods for different reasons.

Camp A: These are the Futures of the world. Ciara was supposed to get pumped and dumped. She was

I believe CrunchySock Twitter is the cousin of Hotep Twitter, the nephew of Ashy Larry Twitter, and the son of PickMe Twitter.

No one has ever loved you, and you are on the bottom of the barrel. So you know.

Because most of us black men are disgustingly insecure and have to keep black women down so they dont feel like theyre at the bottom.

Okay Future.

I used to have a crush on Travis Cure. Yes, I names names because they need to named and shamed for this. Followed him and his dog on ig. He shaved his beard and I’ve never hit unfollow so fast in my life. Homeboy went from zaddy to looking like the security guard (NOT the Philly ones. They grow beards) who looks out