
They aren’t getting free tuition:


I think I engaged Ms. Stephanie earlier on the twitters where she was asking if anyone had done research on the number of previous abortions a black woman had before (finally) deciding to go through with a pregnancy and the high black maternal death rate.

I’d watch.

Gravel and Burlap got $1,274.94, so...

He said they’d been arguing about chores he didn’t want to do and rent he didn’t want to pay. Believe him.

He dropped out of school in 10th grade, but the gays and blacks with 10 kids are why his 21 year old ass couldn’t get a retail or fast food gig. Okay.

So they can’t vote blue anymore because white women who voted red are being (rightfully) criticized?

Tavis Smiley up next. 2017 has been a year.

The deck was stacked against a Republican. In Alabama? Okay.

I’m guessing somebody’s spouse found these.

I used to think I’d never need a car with heated seats or a heated steering wheel. Now I have one and I’m not going back.

None of them deserve sympathy.

You can.

Amen. Their needy asses are so exhausting. I want to pay for my tampons and get home not chat small about the slow cashiers.

She was born in Oklahoma and went to college in the 70s, so it’s possible she really did believe family stories like many other people do. All this wanting her to retract, offer up a family tree and take a DNA test is extremely stupid.

She would have totally called a white roomie Vermont Barbie. Totally. Really. 100%. Mhm. Yep.

Just say you’d rather kick it with racists and cut the shit. 🙄

We called him “White Mike” and here I sit in 2017 wondering if his name was really Mike.

Because they’ve been told their entire lives that someone wants to touch it.