
He wanted him hanged out front Freedom Towers at dawn.

He’s right. The government differentiates. Professionals differentiate. I was spanked after playing in the aquarium when I was told repeatedly not to. That wasn’t abuse and you’re an ass for comparing it to legitimate victims of abuse. What cycle is there to break when I was spanked maybe 3-5 times during my

All these tears in the comments state otherwise.

I’m a bit perplexed by people who sexualize-shut up, that’s what you’re doing-familial affections.

Some are, but there is no proof of that here outside of the defendant’s attorney.

You all or nothing people are mad scary. That you are able to put the two on the same plane makes me fear for your children.

Hillz didn’t sign that bill. She was only First Lady at the time😕

No one likes her or her family, so everything they do will be judged harshly. Rightly or wrongly. This is the life (attention) she wanted and I can’t be bothered to have any sympathy when she’s dragged.

You need a snack.

The anger at her lasted a bit longer because she double downed on stupid. She was loud and arrogant in the face of black people offering her money to not perform for him.

She put it on full display across multiple posts on Instagram. Harriot didn’t see her in a pregnancy loss or suicidal support group and run back to tell. He also didn’t grab posts about some random woman from Twitter. Those things would be wrong.

People showed Gabrielle Union empathy upon hearing about her multiple miscarriages and people showed empathy when it was revealed that Kristoff St. John threatened suicide, so I don’t think people are the problem.

Two options bub-

This guy should head the VA!

They’re gnashing their teeth over the “sacred” (white) woman Kelly invoked while ignoring the black woman he trashed in the previous breath. Rep Wilson is a woman, no?

Maybe it’s because I’ve watched three people close to me succumb to HIV aqcuired while cheating (one a husband and wife couple, the husband brought it home and the wife stayed-for the kids who no longer have either parent-after the initial cheating 🙄), but fuck cheaters and fuck the dummies who take them back. Out

His fans think any reporting of his shitty actions is just to make him look bad🙄

I’m shocked. SHOCKED. I’m not shocked.

LOL. You don’t think think this started at home. Cute.

Bitch, you call yourself a man while hiding from other men (because you’re a coward ass pussy) when they harass women and you’re upset a woman called you out on your shit. I’m protected by convention, but not from men harassing me on the street since I was 10 years old and definitely NOT protected by you by your own