
That’s a truly meaningless comparison.

I had asked in some other article why people hate required internet connections for games so much..

This doesn’t look like shit to me. Just a trailer. No gameplay or real hints at what it will look like.
Though, I’m sure it’ll be great, this isn’t hyping me up any

The disappointing thing about these outfits is that they are only available for premium currency and there is no way to purchase them with the free currency players can earn through gameplay.  There is no cosmetic set this season that can be purchased this year with said earnable currency, which is a first since they

Sony once again demonstrating that the Premium tier is only for the most gullible morons, like me who accidentally let it renew. The PS1/PS2 collection remains pathetic and way worse than PSNow was.

“Until then, however, the American automaker has told owners of affected vehicles not to drive their new cars.“

I dumped a few hundred hours into BotW and I never stopped hating the weapon degradation.

The weapon breaking mechanic is a hard no sale from me. Stop wasting my time with boring systems.

Season 1 is part 1. Season 2 & 3 are going to be Part 2. Druckman and Mazin have literally said this.

Sounds to me like y’all need to do more Grapple melees. And make better use of your tangles. You probably wouldn’t be complaining as much about not having a grenade in Strand.

Title promises bloopers, we get 1 sort of blooper and a bunch of unrelated instagram posts. Sheesh. 

I saw commercial for the Durango Hellcat that said, “Forget everything you know about performance SUVs!” So I did. And it was a load off my mind.

Right? I feel like I’m missing something, but maybe it actually is just spoiled ass rich people.

I rarely side with automakers or dealers, but damn these owners suck and just need to deal with it. This is literally how every consumer product works. Unless there was a contract or documentation stating these would never be made again... too fucking bad? This is what you get for overpaying for stupid vehicles.

Sounds like Dodge making a Mitch Hedberg joke.

Honestly it’s still sort of surreal that we have a video game adaptation that isn’t just passable or decent but honestly great by any standard, not just by video game adaptation standards.

Boy it’d be great if y’all could wait until after work to plaster spoilers to the front page. 

It’s funny because I drove the piss out of mine every time I drove it and the only thing that ever went wrong was the goddamn window slid off the track.  That and the never ending tail light burnout issue.  I kept a few onboard just in case. 

“A half mile down Roscoe Boulevard — a major street that runs east-west through the area —at the intersection of Lindley Avenue, the vehicle hit another vehicle coming in the opposite direction. Both drivers jumped out and fled. Only one of them was eventually caught. The driver of the car they hit was identified as

>> Or use a big drone, but privacy issues I guess.