
I can’t think of anything I didn’t like him in, looking forward to this.  

Modifications do not add value


We do this on driveways and walkways at houses sometimes, its expensive but effective. Proper drainage is very important.  

If you don’t own a PS5 yet is there a way to ‘claim’ these free PS+ titles?

Oh man Lotro.., spent a lot of time in there early +/- 2010's

FoMo sucks. Sunsetting sucks.

Damn was hoping some kind of zombie mode instead of just cosmetics.  The gameplay could really take to a horror-style mode.

Best game I’ve played in recent years by far. 

Majority of thefts around here are from people leaving their cars unlocked in the driveway with the keys in it...

Had a few Covid positive cases at work recently... been quarantining now so I decided to buy myself a Switch. Never used one before and bought it on a whim - it arrived this week. I got Mario Kart and Animal Crossing so far but have barely played with it yet.

Hot Sauce > anything else

yuck, CP 


Should have used the horse shitting take.  

Interesting to hear a professionals take on some of the designs.

So that’s why URL’s always have different titles than the page..

Interesting I didn’t realize this was a thing - I just thought Final Fantasy games were weird in that way. They are the only games I’ve played that used circle instead of x.

I’m not sure I really understand what this is for - could you essentially store your PS4 at a different location and play your Ps5 from it?

Must have been hard for her to sleep with her boyfriend shooting at the police.