
My friend went to his pop up pre fixe dinner thing and said it is amazing. I never thought I'd be at a point in my life that I have an automatic page refresher pointed to an eventbrite page, trying to buy tickets to eat a $300 hamburger.

You can also pick a race of highly advanced post-humans who have achieved enlightenment. This strains the limits of credulity without a beard.

I have a beard. I would normally like to see that beard reflected in my character.

without lawn darts this list is incomplete

There hasn't been a product on ThinkGeek I didn't like. That being said...

You mean like how Sony's been doing this since day one with PS+ with their 60-minute free trials on dozens of games as a PS+ subscriber? This is Microsoft following suit, and admittedly upping the ante with whole day trials. This is why we can't just give companies our money willy nilly (NONE OF THEM). We demand

I have never played a Diablo game, but all the hype has me really close to buying it. It looks like it might be the hack and slash game I have been looking for on PS4.

I'm 100% sure not every human reading this website, many of whom don't collect or purchase LEGO, does.

It's called explaining!

Forever sounds like a total ripoff of Forever Knight, which was golden.

Have you seen the movie? There's not much to be confused about. It's a good movie, and people like good movies.

Cowboy Bebop — Awesome, wonderful, massively entertaining show. Not life-changing. Carry on.

He excuses him self by the Pokemon, Assassin and Megaman thingy. Also Otaku can be argued around the fact that Anime is cartoon to anime to MLP is in Japanese to Transformers to.....ya you know what ill let the smarter people handle this.

It looks kind of cute.

Now playing

Mahj is still at it eh? Cool. This is still my fav. though.