
Danganronpa 2 alone makes September the best month of the year for a certain subset of gamers (including me), yes. But if you're into next-gen console stuff, October can't be beat.

Oh yeah, how is Titanfall on the PS4 by the way? Silly me, I was thinking that there is no way that Titanfall is ever going to come out on the PS4, and that only the sequel game will be on the console, in about 2-3 years time.

16GB is 29 bucks. You don't need the fucking 64GB card that just recently came out. Use a realistic view of 'those memory cards', not just the highest end one.

I'm the token JRPG and indie guy in my office and I feel as though this console was made for me. I absolutely adore carrying 32 GB of rpg and indie goodness. It' s like steam and my ps2 had the perfect baby.

It's absolutely ridiculous how much those memory cards cost. Proprietary format? Okay I can deal with that shit. Everything about this image can go fuck itself though:

INB4 Trolls.. BEHOLD, GAMES! Can't wait to add Borderlands 2 and Injustice to my library!

What? This is like the most fantastic post ever. Some of these uniforms are pretty badass. See: House Stark and House Tyrell. The Targ and Martell unis are pretty cool also, along with the Night's Watch.

What amazes me the most is that this guy isn't just a CEO or speaker for show. He is a developer, a programmer, and you can tell he isn't bullshitting because he takes a moment to say what he needs to say. That moment is the choice to tell the truth instead of obvious scripted lies. Poor guy. He now has the job of

Man, if you like video games, you should really own a 3DS.

On the Moto site they show metal. Personally, I'd love a mid brown strap.

Not with prices like these he couldn't!

"By Crom, this 4G data plan is foul sorcery!"

you should spend all $9500 on steam games!

If people take Facebook likes as a reliable source of facts then I'm more worried about them than the outcome of the study.

I still call PS3/360/Wii "current" because most people are still primarily on this one. "New gen" might be the most accurate term, until the majority have made the switch and/or games stop coming out for these ones.

"Some people glance at their phones while driving, so I'm okay introducing something permanently into my field of vision on a motorcycle."

After that Destiny alpha, despite hating pre-order mentality, I will ashamedly be making great use of this service.


Someone forgot that SimCity came out last year.

It works only for the American dry cakes. Here in Nordic countries the traditional cake is a layered cream cake, usually topped and sided with lots of whipped cream and filled with layers of jam and cream, which make the cake moist and even a little slush. Personally I think the american cakes looked great but didn't