
Don't forget Fox's rushed Fantastic Four just to keep the rights so Fox can play with the big boys too. I mean casting rumors are out and the kid who played Billy Elliot on stage is set to be the Thing...

And yet tentacle porn is legal.

You know, I'll take the word of experts over those of commenters most days of the week.

Raise your own children.

That doesn't really ruin the story, in fact it makes it better. The fact that Andy goes to college and summer camp show that his mom was able to provide by herself to support her kids. It shows that you don't need a hollywood family (Mom and Dad) to make your kids happy.

That's sweet of you, slick, but I'm here to break bones and forge armor, not make googly-eyes.

Yeah, they actually say they don't want the Tesseract and the Aether in the same location, because they are two of the Gems.


Baby roof! BABY ROOF!

How could you not show this one it's the best by far. Looks like Ric Moranis

Physics is working just fine on this end...

Because, for 90% of people who've actually sat and played the beta, it lives up to the hype.
Titanfall is the most important, and best, new FPS game since Modern Warfare.

This game is abso-fucking-lutely amazing. Lemme give you a taste of the kind of gameplay experience I've been having:

Thank you steam for allowing us to sell games to people before they're finished. We've made a fortune off of this new system and look forward to releasing many more unfinished products into your pre-release system. And to think just a couple years ago we used to have closed beta programs. With your system, people

Kind of on a high from it.

It's like that scene in The Dark Knight where the guy in the courtroom tries to shoot Harvey Dent, except the gun that doesn't work is grammar.

I don't care what phone she uses, just let me at that whitehead with a sewing needle.

Trying to erase that image from my head...

Hah! Thank you for that. It was worth a genuine laugh beyond the standard "LOL". I have, however, hung up my spurs. Although I think my gameworld site may still exist on one of the Geocities archives.

Oh honey...