
What show is the first image from? Looks like a factory of android women.

Have you watched Peep Show? One of my favorites.

Probably a reference to the tv show Lost.

That “standing only” reminds me of this -

In the shot where the Joker is lifting Harley up out of the goop, the red/blue dye makes a heart shape around them. Or is that just me?

And Galaxy Quest

Give me a sheep and I’ll give you some wood.

Give me a sheep and I’ll give you some wood.

Yep, I bought some couch-co/op games from the Steam sale. Something we can all play while together and interacting.

I picked up Volume, the first Witcher and Trine 3.

This deserves all the upvotes, err... stars or recommendations, commendations?

They’re making The Walking Dead brick (Lego) sets that have realistic looking figures. There’s a couple of those I want.

What about his line “I’ve always wanted to fly one of these things.” The pilot controls may be standard between X-Wing and TIE Fighters, that being the reason he was able to fly it. It sounded like that was his first time flying a TIE Fighter.

I hung out with a kid down the block because he had this set. This was two weeks ago.

1. The music is just as amazing and awe-inspiring as the original trilogy.

I started collecting Lego Star Wars kits about 8 or 9 years ago. Just picking up any set at first and then I started refining my collection to only have sets based on the original trilogy (4,5,6) and I look at those sets and remember each of those scenes and how I felt. I don’t remember seeing the original Star Wars

Dogmeat is my favorite because he can’t talk.

I feel asleep when I first saw The Phantom Menace. Went to a midnight showing. That might be part of the reason. I’ll be going to a 8pm showing this Thursday for The Force Awakens.

How much does a Kilo of Ren go for these days?

I’m enjoying Fallout 4, but none of the quests have come close to the Red Baron’s side quest in The Witcher 3. Side quest... take that in.