
It's a shame - the first meeting of Bats and Supes in Superman: The Animated Series is note-perfect.

Whedon deserves some credit too. He did the impossible with the first Avengers film.

Is too late to get Timm and Dini back to save us?

What a moron.

Which is the cooler spy name:

Timm and Dini cracked the DC formula years ago. I don't know why WB doesn't just try and use what they've done in their movies. Hire them back.

Batman: Brave and the Bold?

The Punisher wouldn't just start firing a shotgun around a hospital, while staff and patients flee, would he?

I would imagine that the performance difference between consoles is negligible.

The film continuity is a bit of mess, but the comics continuity is ll over the place. The movies are just being faithful in that regard.

Oh man. Freedom Force. That takes me back. Mystique, Pyro, Avalanche…um…Blob? Destiny?

An impressive series in that respect.

So…that's it. I'm a traditionalist. I like mechanical web-shooters, a green Hulk, and an evil Mystique with a belt of skulls dagnabbit!

They'd better get that blue hoodie just right!

I'd love a live action 'Justice League: New Frontier' - a great homage to that era.

Oh no! Superhero movies are entering their 90's era!

Over the decades, many comic book characters have had fluctuating allegiances. Traditionally, Mystique has been a villain.

"Mutant and proud? Remember?"

Well, think of a stone tablet, but lighter and easier to fold.

JLaw is popular, so I get the need to put her front and center, but Mystique is supposed to be a bad guy.