
Heh. I'm in the minority there too - I like it. The villain is completely forgettable, but I love Thor and Loki together. Great score. I dunno. I dig it.

I loved that. I think it was a deliberate, and welcome, response to Man of Steel.

I think they just wanted more excitement - Superman Returns peaks with the spectacular airplane rescue.

It has its pleasures. He's always great.

Yeah that's not so hot either.

I love it. It's positive, hopeful, and fun. Everything Man of Steel wasn't.

IM2 is the MCU's low point I think. They hadn't quite cracked the formula yet.

Yeah, too much $ left to be made for that. But they tried to finish his arc from IM1 I think.

I love scenes of rescue/protection in superhero films. It shouldn't all be about combat.

Fair enough. It's 'more-of-same' if you're sick of him. I still like him in the role, although I found Ultron pretty forgettable, so maybe I'm getting there too.

I think the consensus is wrong about Iron Man 3 - it has many good scenes:

I'm a monster!

"Flesh, blood, and bone"?

It's a very thin line between the two.

'I'm gonna haul ass to Lalapalooza!'

Heh. I did the same. When the news agitates him he likes the grandkid slideshow to calm him down.

The pink looks cool very cool too.

My father, after I showed him how to change his desktop wallpaper:

I saw the Decemberists live on the bank of the Cuyahoga river. In the middle of 'The Mariner's Revenge Song', a massive ship passed right behind them. Was pretty cool.

Ug - that Revenant scene. I couldn't do it. Even if someone else did all the work for me, cutting it open and removing all the organs, and all I had to do was crawl inside, I'd have to pass.