@Platypus Man: Agreed on the rotating home screen.
@Platypus Man: Agreed on the rotating home screen.
Hire models to do the pat downs. Would probably increase travel sales too ;)
For $50 I think these guys are on coke. Although they probably don't use their cleanly trimmed nails to snort it.
@Hypnic Jerk: I agree with you here, man. If you want to wear one while driving, it's totally understandable. But when these pretentious, wannabe business professionals think they are someone because they walk around with a bluetooth in their ear 24/7, it's quite laughable. I don't even know WHY you would want to have…
@monkeycrackers: If you have Jenn's cell phone number, that would be great too. Thanks.
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: Yes he did.
Are those green blocks really the home screen??
@RedEye: @lardon_hardon: saved me too haha.
Do not, I repeat, do NOT take a boat. Has to be a jetski.
@Wonko.The.Sane: Underground is an option (in most places, not all), but then you would still have transformers and boxes for people to crash into. Most of these are filled with oil and you can imagine how that goes if someone crashed into it. These could also be placed underground in places (NYC) that would allow…
@Scott: +1
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.3: hahaha I knew someone would post this. Those 2 girls in the front are priceless. Maybe they have mistaken him for Justin Bieber?
@RainbowSuspenders: haha great find.
@TeeJayDM: Where is cigar man with turban? If I wasn't at work, I would have already photoshopped him in and posted the picture. Stupid work. Sigh...
And the yolk inside is actually egg shaped.
@Stephen Garriques: Yeah, that SurePress garbage was what kept me from buying the original when it first came out. Prior to all the bad reviews.
@CoLdBLaDe: I don't get it either. Giz always mentions the Droid X whenever doing carrier comparisons or voting, etc...And the Incredible is never listed. Even though their review of the X, wasn't as good as the Incredible and I think they even told you to buy the Incredible instead lol. Maybe it's just because its…
"Hey, I lost a piece of your camera, so I just made a replacement. Looks pretty good, huh?
@Curves: I think you meant this is very awesome.