You sure her name wasn't Agnes? And that Jane Fonda didn't show up to investigate?
You sure her name wasn't Agnes? And that Jane Fonda didn't show up to investigate?
I've gotta say, I didn't think much of Lena Dunham before this happened but I have to give her props for responding gracefully and thoughtfully. Class act.
I would've. He was normally sitting around with his thumb up his ass while she got 6 babies changed, dressed, and out the door. She's no peach, personality-wise, but their original show should've been called Kate + 9.
This strikes very close to home. Two weeks ago I was reading Jez post comments, and apropos of nothing someone mentioned they had a rash on their chest. This piqued my interest - a rash appeared on my chest just after Christmas (and is still here). I had dismissed it as an allergy to my new Christmas sweaters. A Jez…
It was a thread that you knew would start a potentially passionate conversation. That's not a bad thing. But you sound incredibly disingenuous by then turning around and being butthurt that people were arguing in it.
You started a controversial thread and then demand people not to argue in it? Interesting.
Did every dude there buy the $19.95 tanning spray from John Boehner's new QVC line?
How can I make the most recent coverage update to be shown at the top instead of scrolling down ?
That was a very powerful story through pictures, never seen that article before
I found that multi-media presentation incredibly moving—especially the images of the woman's daughter intervening in the assault. I am relieved that the woman went on to press charges, and hopefully the child's memories of such horrific trauma will fade (somewhat) with time—rather than reoccur, re-traumatize, and be…
Thank you for not backing down. You are being flat-out bullied by these commenters. Don't let them get to you, they are horrible. You know of what you speak, keep speaking! No one can take away your voice.
In a million years, it would not be OK for me to write something like that to a black woman on Jezebel.
The two of you can sit there and call me naive and condescendingly give me "things to think about" - and then talk about how I'm coming from a place of entitlement? That's hilarious.
Look, anything any white person says in this thread that isn't agreeing that Jezebel has become a place of rich, white privilege has been attacked.
I think every situation has its own pros and cons. Fat is not the new black. But black is not what it once was either. Neither is being gay.
The scene started out sexy, with them just close together and lightly touching, and it was really sexy when he was balancing her while they were dancing and dry-humping at the same time . . . but when it just turned into straight dry-humping I lost it and started laughing. It just got to look ridiculous by the end,…
Ah, Dirty Dancing. . . My friend and I used to rent that video repeatedly when we were 13ish and try to pause it on the 1/10th of a second when you get to see Patrick Swayze's butt.
It's a gossip site. The first three words of the tagline are "celebrity" "sex" and "fashion." That's a fine reason not to read it, if that's not your thing, but don't expect it to be anything else.
I think that's a very simplistic way of looking at things. Yes, it is possible to lose weight but 99 percent of the time, people cannot. There is also no stigma against being biased against fat people - in fact, hatred against fat people is encouraged everywhere.
There's barely any football in it. The "football" is really just scenery and the common thread between the characters. The show itself is really more about relationships and personal demons and doing the right thing and Tim Riggins' abs.