
Nintedno purposefully has a history of limited hardware sales and not take a loss on each one. This isnt new they create artificial demand for their product or they cant meet production. My guess is the later since this release is eyed for people to purchase things in winter 2k17.

Consoles? How about accessories that are sold out everywhere for the next few months solid or the fact that it gets to hot for screen protectors when docked?It’s not like any\one wanted to use it mobile anyway.

Yea thats it. Maybe there are just tons of skeptical people who dont want to purchase a rushed console? Maybe people feel burned by the Wii U and dont have the same faith in Nintendo. Maybe im just projecting.

Dead pixels matter. Why wouldn’t you be pissed about receiving a defective product or do you like paying for broken shit? Broken pixels do not happen anymore this isn’t the OG PSP release and even Sony replace consoles with dead pixels.

Fanboy harder?

Where do you see that Pokemon is even announced for the switch. Everyone just assumes Pokemon Stars is going to be a thing and only a thing on the switch.

That ship sailed before alot of us were ever born, its a fucking shame.

Speaking from playing with 1 other person from 100-110, the game is heavily geared towards solo play now. Often throughout the course of leveling we were put into separate instanced quest lines or fights.

VR is to much of a gimmick for Nintendo to handle. They are too busy building underpowered systems with their own gimmicks. They have already devolved onto the mobile phone platform, so why stick to the ideals of “family fun”. Who has family fun with their noses in their cell phones?

Falling into that grouping, Itend to agree, especially with a new Pokemon game hot on the heels.

That and it is the highest forecasted spec for Warlocks on simulated DPS charts, I believe they rank 4th or 5th.

Have you not quested much? Im just asking since I did all of the quests in Azsuna, Val’sharah, and highmountain with just one other person and we both dinged 110 by time that we finished high mountain.

I used it successfully with a pair of micca mb42x bookshelf speakers and it lasted for over a year before I upgraded. For the 27 dollars that I paid for it, it was well worth it. Now use a pair of Jbl 530s and an HK 3770.

I used it successfully with a pair of micca mb42x bookshelf speakers and it lasted for over a year before I