
Check it out. They wrote the ep, and presumably they get final cut. Definitely not ambiguous.

Benioff and Weiss say in the Inside the Episode that it's for sure rape, no question.

"They didn't even mention the account Peggy lost"

It's about many things for sure, but I never for a moment considered mental illness/difference to be one of them. Its metaphors are worn very much on its sleeve.


Don't think there's a single misfire in Friday Night Lights' first season.

I saw this at a screening last night and couldn't stop thinking about HER (and DARK CITY as well, but that's another matter). To my mind, HER is a much, much more terrifying movie. TRANSCENDENCE is hamfisted, true, but its central metaphor is that technology will outpace our ability to control it and will eventually…

Doesn't explain why the fool Dontos knew exactly when Joffrey would begin to choke and to speed Sansa away.

Just her personal spite. She knows it's obviously Margaery's idea and doesn't want to giver her the satisfaction. Cersei's anxious about giving up power in deference to Margaery.

This is all part of his preparations. They're on their way, but they need men and ships, so they're hanging out on Dragonstone while Melisandre purges his forces of men disloyal to the Lord of Light.

He killed those birds when he hacked the pie with his new sword.

There's no way to, legally, without HBO.

There's no way to, legally, without HBO.

The books have it at 5000.

Humble Hamm Javelin.

Only about a little more than a year has passed in the story. The aging is bad enough as is.

Lay out 140 million dollars and not see a return for years after. That sounds likely.

The combat is about maintaining flawless rhythm, constant situational awareness, and preventing isolation while identifying and eliminating the most dangerous targets. All very Bat-like.

Seven Weasley children? Ron, ginny, the twins, the older dragon guy, the poncey prefect…who am I forgetting?

"Where's My Brother's Penis"