
Nope. Barrett died in 2006.

Syd Barrett wasn't dead when that song came out.

Where the shit is Shine On You Crazy Diamond?

It's got pretty good covers of The Boxer and Early Mornin' Rain on it.

Sounds like a pillar of virtue and restraint.

Also, Michelle Fairley's on Suits this season! You might imagine that her schedule has freed up.

Then it's even more of a shame that he completely missed the point of the book.


Whatever else the trailer may have, it has the most important thing: the promise of more Dunn Purnsley.


I think Netflix certainly sees itself as the latter—I imagine they want most desperately for everyone to subscribe (literally) to their future of a host of original, quality content, along with some movies and TV shows, for one low price. I think recent maneuvers have taught them that radically altering their pricing

Been really excited about this since I started hearing the reviews. I hope Netflix and similar platforms start using their position to champion real out-of-the-way shows and smaller ideas.

The thing is, why the fuck would ANY PARENT get such a horrible doll for their child, their little girl especially? No one has made any effort to make Chucky even the slightest bit appealing even before the demonic possession or whatever.

I never really knew that it needed defending before I read this article. Whoever puts out Jesus Christ Pose, Slaves and Bulldozers, Searching With My Good Eye Closed, and the songs I mentioned before, is in pretty fucking safe territory, as due reverence goes.

Holy fucking shit, is Superunknown an amazing album though. 4th of July, The Day I Tried to Live, Mailman, Limo Wreck, and Head Down are all stone-cold incredible songs, and the rest of it doesn't slouch.

We had geese on the campus of my middle school, and I watched helplessly as I watched my adorable 23-year-old music teacher beat with a pipe TO DEATH a goose that was violently accosting her.

If you've seen their live show, it's clear that they make a shit-ton of money off the rowdiest, dumbest people you've ever conceived of.

Ugh, I KNOW, Amy Ryan and Jim Caviezel are SYNONYMOUS with ass-kicking.

"Anyone here? Hello? Uncas? Anyone?"

"We must wait for GOD to jack us."