Vinyls are nice for the mono mix of albums, which is almost always better.
Vinyls are nice for the mono mix of albums, which is almost always better.
Cover Vikings permanently! With Spartacus leaving soon, there's going to be such a dearth of kickass historical shows.
Just ask Phillip Roth!
Great trivia about this play: In Shakespearean English "nothing" is vulgar slang for vagina ("no-thing", haha). So basically the title means "All About Pussy", which is accurate.
Just couples?
The Americans really is pretty great you guys. Definitely scratches the itch that Homeland at its best and Breaking Bad give me.
My favorite.
Are we watching the USA Network? Because I just saw a BURN NOTICE.
"This might just go down as the best episode of TV in 2013. As it stands, it's the best episode of TV we've seen thus far in 2013. Maybe something from Game of Thrones will challenge it"
Or Mad Men, or Breaking Bad, or Homeland.
Failed lasties.
Though poetry it be teachin'
This Q&A is reachin'
Isn't Jon Hamm basically playing Bryan Cranston's role from last season's two-part finale?
I was JUST thinking how nice it was that the AV Club doesn't have dislikes unlike most other sites, as it contributes to much more civil, positive conversation.
They were there, walking in a dark forest.
You're completely wrong there—Jamie's lethality is not something the show has played down at all. He boasted to Brienne last season that there are "maybe three men in the kingdoms with a chance" against him him in combat. He told Cersei that he's completely willing to murder everyone in the world to be with her. His…
More than Jaime? Puh-leeze.
This season will only cover the first two-thirds or so of Storm of Swords.
@avclub-cdef27381eb66efd223f0ea7572024b4:disqus I don't understand that criticism at all. If you're reading the books tapping your foot until Dany rides to Westeros, then that's your fault. Martin has a lot to say about the nature of leadership—comparing Dany, Cersei, and Jon—with Dany in particular becoming a…
It has become quite clear by the end of the most recent book that she is one of the absolutely central characters of the story, with an enormous part to play in the coming endgame.
Newbies: watch and love the trailer, 'cause it's awesome. But be VERY wary of spoilers as the show gets underway, as this is about the point in the story where shit starts getting real.