You're Killing Independent George

They get one tie and think they’re too good for him now.

UPDATE: The NFL has fined Ramsey for targeting defenseless players.

“We’ve been to many sporting events together, not just N.B.A. events. We’ve been to Mets games together. We took the subway. He really raves about the hot dogs.”

Fire extinguishers can be dangerous, especially when tampa’d with.

Actually, when a frozen substrate turns directly to gas, the process is called sublimation.

I’m going to need more than the defense’s claim that Nassar was assaulted in prison. Maybe he was just receiving unorthodox physical therapy.

Finally, the trade war with China has helped an American worker.

I only know dressage from the Romneys, and as with that family, Wallace’s patriarch was also a jackass.

You freakin’ Socialist Deadspin bloggers, always calling for a Nationals Health Care system.  Pathetic.

Yes, this is definitely the big one. Those mindless fucks will never get past this one. He can’t give some ridiculous explanation to appease the morons again. This is really the time they’re not going to let him off the fucking hook. 

Can’t think of a bigger dick move than using your biracial daughter to justify your shitty racially charged decisions.

Imagine being an adult and being mad that you didn’t get an Ezekiel Elliot autograph at a fantasy football convention.

I’m not a native English speaker, but even I know the difference between an adjective and a noun.

not knowing all the words, i suspect.

Please understand that all antibiotics (and all medications) have risks and benefits, but don’t imply that “if your doc is handing out cipro for a UTI, at this point they should know better.” You also need to know the local drug resistance profile to know what you should be prescribing. Where I work, E. coli (the

Hopefully cancer has left the Elvis.

“Those successes, at this point, I’m going to take as my own. I’m not going to attribute those to him because he obviously, he honestly did a lot more damage to my life than good.”

About 5 minutes in the fryolater will work.

Don’t get SLI, it’s not supported very well in most new games.  Nvidia is trying to sweep it under the rug and kill it, unless you are filthy rich and can afford top of the line everything you would be doing yourself a disservice.