You're Killing Independent George

this is the good stuff right here

Did we read the same article?

I also recently read that Norway passed a law requiring all predators to consume their prey in a humane fashion, any pain experienced by the animal being eaten will result in a predator punishment.

as a lifelong midwesterner, I just cannot fathom football starting at any time other than noon on sundays, that’s madness.

lol, google and every other company is already doing this, my google home doesn’t provide any info google didn’t already have on me.

I’m goin’ to the moon Jerry!

wow. good job.

how is that joke on her?

Don’t land in the middle of nowhere, there are guns in all buildings and near major outdoor structures as well.

THIS 100%.

Can you name a lot of successful 3rd person multiplayer shooters?

fortnite is 100% 3rd person. Pubg can be played either way.

Same here. Fortnite is fun, but even after 1000+ hours in PUBG, you still get a way bigger adrenaline rush in a late game PUBG match vs fortnite.

I’m with you. Fortnite is a nice polished game, but I just don’t find myself playing it much compared to PUBG, all problems with PUBG considered.

Fortnite has everything good on paper, yet I still find PUBG way more fun to play with a group of friends. I enjoy both games but PUBG is more rewarding/punishing.

I renewed my passport last year through mail, filled out a page or two of forms and wrote a check, whole thing took me about 45 min max.

was with you right up to the </srcsm> 

no one is saying she should have done that before the transports started getting shot, people are asking why she waited until 30 or the 40 (or so) total transports were blown up before taking action.

huh, that is exactly NOT the point. If they valued life, she would have rammed that ship as soon as her transports were away, and not waited until 75% of them were already destroyed...

I think you mean shameful not shameless