You're Killing Independent George

smug factor that only Prius drivers are used to

smug factor that only Prius drivers are used to

these sure look a lot like the $21 anker headphones form the deals of the day, what does the extra franklin get you here other than name brand?

these sure look a lot like the $21 anker headphones form the deals of the day, what does the extra franklin get you

Everyone has different levels of the enzyme that breaks caffiene down, that’s why some people can have coffee after dinner and sleep fine, others will be up all night.

Thanks. It seems like the policy can work (And works well when the manager/employee relationship is solid), but there are just too many moving parts for this policy to be a good policy for a company to use across the board.

Did a sixer of Fat Tire kill your brother or something? This is clearly a joke about the stadium name.

Why does the naked guy being there upset you more than the dead shark itself?

You are correct.

The unlimited PTO policy really seems like it would be OK if your boss isn’t an asshole, but if they are, it is bad.

Thank you. This is exactly how I thought it would likely play out in the real world.

PTO=Paid Time off, which is why I am asking. It makes no sense.

So “Unlimited PTO” would be better defined as “0 days of guaranteed PTO”

Got it. That is called “Working from home” at my company.

I have never heard of this, what is the specific definition of Unlimited PTO? Just that you can take off as much as you think you can get away with without being fired? What are the checks and balances?

You are much more pleasant than grammarly. If you want to continue to proofread my writing, feel free :)

We must have played in much different little leagues then. A little league player driving a shoulder high pitch out of the park is uncommon. This feat is uncommon at all levels of baseball.

Wow, the kid has a bag of meth before even finishing the install for GTA. Tipper Gore was right, videogames, GTA especially, are a bad influence on the kids.

i don’t get it

If this person plans to sand this entire chair with a dremel, they are insane.

If this person plans to sand this entire chair with a dremel, they are insane.

I tried the free extension and uninstalled about a week later. They would “identify” potential grammar issues but not tell you what they were unless you paid for the full version. That is when I said goodbye. Give me a free month to try the full version if you want me to ever pay.

“Sorry sir I didn’t see you sitting up there, good day”