You're Killing Independent George

It’s not that the out is more valuable for one team vs the other, we are talking about individual performance here in terms of evaluating how good an individual hitter or pitcher is.

You are looking at it the wrong way.

this is the kinja i come for, thanks Albert

Olympic pools are usually less than 7 ft deep, so I don’t think 7 ft of crumpled paper is going to properly brace a fall from 32 ft. Maybe. I’ll let you jump first though.

QOTSA Albums - Good job ranking them Drew. 1-3 could go in any order and I wouldn’t argue it, but 4-6 need to be the way you have it listed.

to be fair, the fact discounts don’t show up in the card but do at the check out is not intuitive at all and I made this same mistake.

to be fair, the fact discounts don’t show up in the card but do at the check out is not intuitive at all and I made

sorry you couldn’t follow buddy, it’s as simple as this:

Or perhaps the measure of something is not the thing itself?

look, I’m not saying it wouldn’t be cool if they let people fill those seats, I’m just saying a passenger is not entitled to upgraded seats that don’t go filled. You can ask, sometimes they will say yes, but you can’t take them on your own.

It’s a comparison, of course they are not exactly the same.

At no point anywhere in this thread has anyone said, or implied, that “rate” and “speed” are the same thing.

You are still mixing up your nouns and verbs there buddy, sorry.

Cheers fellow pedant. 

jokes on you they don’t even have lobster in alaska.

Yeah that 5 star restaurant a block down the road from my house didn’t sell all of the daily alaskan lobster they bring in daily last night, so they should just give it all to me for free, right?

So your hypothesis is that we are not capable, in the statcast era mind you, of measuring pitching velocity to the tenths decimal place? Get real!

To me, it is pedantic because anyone reading this article understands what “rate of speed” means in this article, there’s no ambiguity.

The rate is 60, the units of measure are miles per hour, and speed is what’s being measured. “Rate of speed” is not redundant.

You are correct, rate of speed is indeed redundant.