You're Killing Independent George

the kinja equivalent of responding with a “First” on a yahoo article. Good job.

are you acting proud for being the first commenter to derail the topic into something the article didn’t even touch on? What the hell?

so you think she would have won if she was even more vague and non-committal?

It would be a bad idea for Democratic representatives and Senators in more hotly contested districts and states to be as hot a firebrand as Maxine is. I’m glad she can use her position to speak out as stridently as she does, but she’s also not the standard we should hold all Democrats to for tactical reasons.


you sound angry

yeah thats about what I want to pay knowing full well I will lose a pair

yeah thats about what I want to pay knowing full well I will lose a pair

well if you don’t already know you can’t grow anything decent in a window you’re in trouble

put it outside buddy

Great reporting! I thought I misunderstood the article. I was halfway through this piece and still unsure why the mom that originally called the cops was the one being arrested, along with both her daughters?

$51 for athlethic shorts is a deal? I guess that’s why I haven’t replaced those in wayy to long.

$51 for athlethic shorts is a deal? I guess that’s why I haven’t replaced those in wayy to long.

If you think Stein of Johnson are the cause of all this, you are fighting the wrong fight.

I don’t see the problem in that article. It seems like they have accomplished their short term goal and the protesters have become more of a burden than helpful at this point.

The entire autograph industry is gross, but this is the grossest.


I agree, what is presented here doesn’t seem conclusive at all.

I can see we won’t agree here.

maybe this dad is asking for a cookie but maybe the dad is just proud he is enabling his partner to march?

Patriots fans: Allowing the rest of the world to re-live our freshman year experiences as adults.

the meat wall is who you see in the first photo, they had no one to protect so they want onto the lawn