You're Killing Independent George

Option A) Create stupid law that requires you to spend $300 for remote starter and solves nothing (lets be honest, cops aren’t doing anything for a stolen car other than taking down info)

I don’t think you know what the word “ostensibly” means, unless you are implying that people that choose to warm their cars up have motives that aren’t “It’s cold as hell out”...

I agree and feel this is a gr0ss misuse of tax payer money.

The “so what” is that the engine takes more damage from warming up slowly on idle than it does driving it carefully up to temp. The kids were in the care of his GF, take a couple of laps around the block. Quicker warmup and better for your car.

The “so what” is that the engine takes more damage from warming up slowly on idle than it does driving it carefully up to temp. The kids were in the care of his GF, take a couple of laps around the block. Quicker warmup and better for your car.

Umm how about just getting rid of this stupid law instead of forcing people to pay money to solve a non-existent problem.

Debunking??? Sorry but regarless of warming up the engine, starting your car and blasting the heat for several minutes before getting in the car absolutely warms up the car and makes for a more pleasant ride. I don’t know how that could be debunked, me and millions of my midwest brethren will attest to this.

sorry, I’m a terrible commenter before finishing my 6th cup of coffee, I see it all now

Fair enough, I just didn’t find the quote included in this article to be that self-congratulatory, but to each their own.

I was never able to get up in the mornings and bought one of those light up alarm clocks.

I was never able to get up in the mornings and bought one of those light up alarm clocks.

She asked for more money than Macy, they countered with equal pay, she accepted. He acknowledges she was justified to ask for more $, I can’t get upset that Showtime made a counter offer that was lower than her number, that’s how a negotiation works. If she was not willing to do the show for equal pay with Macy, she

Um, just because a single female actress becomes so in demand she gets compensated more than dudes, keep in mind, 99.9% of the other actresses are making less than their male brethren, and you begin to understand why your comment is so stupid.

He said parity was justified, and since she was previously making less than Macy, I don’t see how you could read his comments that way. If his narrative was going to be around him NOT giving her what she asked for, I would think the term used would have been unjustified.

Not the hero we need, but at least he had weed.

“So far, this is the most impressive thing to come out of CES this year as far as I’m concerned.”

This entire concept seems to be taking printing, and post it note, technology back 20 years.

can you reply to greys and still keep them in the greys? Oh the power to be a writer at deadspin

Wax is the liquid fuel, you fool.

I think the real concern is that the cooking show I watched, they cooked a 7 pound roast but the entire episode was only 30 min (~22 min after commercials). There is no way they cooked an entire 7 pound roast in 22 minutes, it was probably way undercooked and a huge food safety risk.

this is the dumbest comment I read today