You're Killing Independent George

No you don’t. And Diana is not Anna.

Is it common for media people (radio and tv guys) to obtain confidential info before a game? Why was that being shared with the radio guy in the first place, even with his prior ties to coaching.

This isn’t even walking back, it’s just passing the buck on to an annymous low level staffer to deflect.

There was actually a lot of strategy that might not have been apparent in one or two trial matches. Add in pitch long walk rides and jump launch pads and I found it very fun and a relaxing break from comp.

Since there is not mention of sexual assault....yet...I would say he is about 36 traffic stops short of becoming Holtzclaw.

Lucioball was excellent, what did you have against it?

It takes longer to make a snowball in the game than in real life, this is why i got bored instantly

Bring back lucio ball permanently. That was a lot of fun and very refreshing to play a couple quick matches between competitive.

I can’t tell if you are being serious or not, I surely hope you aren’t.But you sound serious and even posted a link to Mercola, so I wanted to reply.

that is the best video i will watch today. thanks. I had no idea an eel was capable.

If you are on a road, you are responsible for road safety.

an emergence situation is a different situation than a phone line needing to get repaired


jimmy johns guy is bad. You ordered food, didn’t show up to pick it up from the delivery guy, and then called him lazy for trying to get work done instead of sitting by idly wondering if you will show up?

I don’t follow anything you wrote in this quoted paragraph.

I know phrases like this get thrown around willy-nilly these days, but I assure you I am being genuine when I say, this might be the most insane thing I have seen on the internet in 2016.

I am interested in hearing more of “at least three tents” spotter.

How did I miss blight?? good catch
