You're Killing Independent George

what exactly is this a counter point to?

yeah I read this entire article confused by the notion that “information overload” is the same thing as being expected to answer emails at night.

if your staffing policies are so bare-minimum that one server is not capable of replacing another server, then you need to hire another server. If your business can’t run because one employee is sick, that is not the fault of that single employee but on management.

trump wasn’t saying there were issues in 2008, he was saying there were issues that would happen in an election that hadn’t even taken place yet. You need to understand that when information becomes available, people can change their stance based on said information, and this is a good thing!

the difference is that trumps voter fraud/rigged election claims were baseless, whereas 16 inteligence agencies agreed that Russia was responsible for politically motivated hacks

Now playing

I still have freedom of choice, on vinyl at least.

muchy jokes are outdated

i have absolutely no idea what you are talking about or if you are trying to make a point

Your entire argument hinges on Colbert putting out fake news, otherwise the premise of your original comment is completely invalidated.

buzz can do whatever the hell he wants, he doesn’t need to be banned from travelling to Antarctica to appease you.

please leave your radio on if you pick me up, the silence forces you to have an undesired conversation and who is bothered by music on in a car????

it says contact, not physical contact

how the hell is a conversation going on that the driver isn’t even a party to any more distracting than a car radio playing?

yeah hes a terrible person but dammit if I can’t enjoy stranglehold

yeah he wasn’t really a bad guy at all, i would have probably not wanted to talk to me either, more of a half funny story than anything

calgary? Those ones are all dead. Didn’t you read the article?

You are right, we really need to make the galactic empire great again and stop giving work to these aliens. 

def. not considering their $800k+ offer dropped to $75k after finding out

The pre-draft MRIs will impact draft position, not signing bonus.

Exactly. I bought two identical desks from IKEA. The first one took me 6 weeks to complete, the second one, 15 minutes.