You're Killing Independent George

Exactly, I don’t think he is going to cut it as a WR1, or even a WR2, he just doesn’t seem capable mentally, he is obviously as physically capable as anyone on the team. 

The vikings offense under norv turner has been ranked 27th, 29th, and now 31st this year. Norv isn’t 100% responsible, but at this point in the season you can’t really replace the O-line so changing up the OC is really the only option.

I think he could have framed it better, it is ok to respect the amazing jobs that moms do, but the way it came across here is that moms are superior to women without children.

It was framed the other way though, saying he got one called, but it offset, so it was actually zero. It just seemed odd.

you are only looking at the record, you clearly didn’t watch the last two vikings games.

Cordarelle is just not that smart, he struggled reading coverage and making good decisions.

Diggs barely has a full season in and this dogshit offense can’t get him the ball, how can you call him a miss already?

Ahh, I didn’t see those comments, thanks for replying.

I don’t think this impedes the overall message of the post, but what difference does it make whether the penalty is accepted or not?

You can’t make an unfounded accusation and then think your position is right when others aren’t able to prove something didn’t happen (you can’t prove something didn’t happen or that something doesn’t exist)

Your argument is the one assuming he DOES have access to sensitive info, and therefore he is providing it to Trump. The burden of proof is on the accuser, who is you saying he is leaking info.

shut up

Also, it pays to note that Uber uses a public resource without paying in to the cities whose roads they are polluting with shit drivers.

I was just going to ask, do you have a feeling how many uber drivers have other jobs?

headline is very good!

get your head out of the sand

yup she is partly to blame. If it happened once, Ok maybe, but twice and with a promise for more? Both parties benefited and were aware. Get real trying to only blame Brazile.

If you actually read the thread you are commenting on, there are lots of people whitewashing this saying “She would have known those are the debate questions anyways” and things like that.

what is pocket and what does it have to do with my dear chrome?

Call them whatever you want, computer, machine, android, AI, it doesn’t matter, it’s a man-made machine and worrying about treating it ethically is stupid in a world where actual human beings are suffering so much.