You're Killing Independent George

I think Tito and Maddon are two of the smartest managers in the game.

you may as well be arguing with an oak door

I agree on the negligence. Many medications have multiple approved uses.

I think this would be a good move for LSU. They have a huge football program and they could surely find a way to take 100k from the football budget for a sanctuary donation.

yes, key being it is their choice to shutdown, no one would be forcing it.

Wow. Insane. Sorry you had to go through that.

There’s so many democratic countries with socialized medicine in existence it just makes your comment seem even more ridiculous. 

Threatening to cut funding unless they adhere to scientific principles instead of religous doctrines seems like a pretty good idea.


It’s one way to assuage their financial burden while their suit is still in court, and as a bonus, it’s a tidy FU to the stalker, too.

The sad part of the story is that her parents were John Elway fans, not Mickey Mantle. 

I know adopting a tiger from these terible conditions is bad, but what are the other options?


I got a new phone this week that uses the USB-C connection so I’m in the market for a couple new chargers. It uses some quick charge thing. When I search for Quickcharge 3.0 on amazon, most of the results are just cables.

I got a new phone this week that uses the USB-C connection so I’m in the market for a couple new chargers. It uses

yeah it wasn’t until the second or third paragraph I understood what this was even about.

Yeah I didn’t understand that paragraph either. This seems simpler if that is what the meaning was supposed to be.

Boof Bonser.

HamNo, are you doing OK? I get the feeing that you aren’t doing OK.

How did you know you cut it?

Very difficult to pinpoint specific causes for this, but it is very likely that doctors recommendations that pregnant mothers avoid peanuts, and wait until the child is 2-3 years old before exposing them to peanuts likely contributed.