You're Killing Independent George

Wisconsinite here, everything you said is true, except for your notion that there is anything wrong with eating a lot of cheese, fried food, or fried cheese

To quote the great Jeff Garlin from Curb your Enthusiasm, this whole situation is just one “big bowl of wrong”

Check out gogo’s reply to my comment, I think he/she hit the nail on the head. This is a $40 napkin holder.

Check out gogo’s reply to my comment, I think he/she hit the nail on the head. This is a $40 napkin holder.

I am all for using humor to lambast this jackass, I just don’t think baselessly calling someone a pedophile is very funny.

then seemed perplexed that it didn’t attract little boys exclusively.

The misogyny is all over the place but here is one good example stating moms are responsible for raising sissies:

Look I think this guy is a doofus and deserves criticism. I just don’t think calling him a pedophile (saying there is a chance he is a pedophile is the same thing) is helpful.

Just because a misogynist is commenting on child rearing in a very stupid way doesn’t make him a pedophile.

I’m sure many people use them and like them, it’s just not for me.

I’m sure many people use them and like them, it’s just not for me.

What’s the deal with that laptop stand? Wouldn’t it just be easier to let you laptop sit in the space the stand occupies? Other than a way to show off that you own a macbook, it just seems really useless. it doesn’t charge or connect to the laptop in any way.

What’s the deal with that laptop stand? Wouldn’t it just be easier to let you laptop sit in the space the stand

I’m certainly no expert in civil law or any law in general, but if the judge allowed her video deposition, I feel like that is the judge saying this friend/coworkers opinion is worth considering in the outcome of the case. That is all.

I definitely got that your comments were directed at Lavergne, no worries about that, but I guess I am just seeing her testimony from a different perspective is all.

We are trying to make it simpler, not add 4 new levels of complexity to PI.

Seriously, at no point did I ever indicate anywhere that a sexual assault victim has to speak about to anyone they don’t want to about the incident. That is way waaaaay besides the point. How did you even get to that??

Where at? I’m southeast Wisconsin and there has been no appreciable change in quality over said timespan, in my experience, which is quite a lot since I moved within a mile from a Culvers several years ago.

This is the line you find most offensive in the whole article?

You don’t see how someone who is (what seems to be very likely in this case) falsely accusing someone of sexual assault for financial gain may negatively impact actual sexual assault victims?

Sploid is really the most useless gawker asset. Two sentences and embed a youtube clip.