
These are the kinds of descriptions that need to be on the back of the video game boxes.

The beauty of the Final Fantasy series is that you can play any of the main entries without worrying about having played any others. I love how the FF series has been refining and innovating in it's own systems over the years.

A couple of amendments to this article as a KH fan.

Games really do need to be preserved just like other mediums. The saying applies to anything "Thos who don't know history are doomed to repeat it." It's good to repeat the positive points or history, but it's those negative points or being caught is non-progressive cycle that are worrying.

By my count, Sackboy, Rachet & Clank, and a Resistance character (probably a Chimera) are all that's missing on the first party side. Although, I would welcome a Mod Nation Racer character.

I don't think the game developers should ever relinquish creative control for a movie deal unless the move directions can prove they are a fan of the property, not just curious of it or a big name paid to do so.

I used to think the same way as well. That was before the digital distribution revolution.

I'm going to guess that Project Sora was disbanded because they developed a game where a stand for the system was packed in to solve a gameplay issue. That is unacceptable.

I'm worried too. I don't think a new home console is what the market wants when it comes to better gaming. I'm all for getting indie games more exposure in the mass market, I'm all for a mandatory free-to-play aspect to games, I'm all for a new developer-friendly environment. I don't think asking people to buy

Those are probably the most badass ME soldier designs I've ever seen. I can also tell that Bioware is reskinning some previous character models for this, but they are still awesome.

I'm not 100% that's actually cosplay. That might be the Duke who hopped through an alien portal and landed in our world.

Really cool, especially being F2P. My only wish is that they expand the party size beyond 4 (even this is true already, please correct me). I know Phantasy Star Online plays mostly the way I want MMOs to work, but party size is still an issue because I have a group of friends that regularly play together, exceeding

I'm really impressed by the lip-syncing. Is there a tool in there that aids in getting it so accurate or are the animators just that talented? Bravo regardless and I think I found a new ring tone in that dialogue for a specific friend of mine.

The term "good" is too loaded to really be a viable way of distinguishing games without personal taste being part of the equation. Games can be "good" or "bad" based on personal taste. I guess if you had a game with a very inappropriate message or a culturally insensitive statement in it, it could be viewed as "bad"

I guess the word "ocarina" is actually pretty obscure. It's interesting that such a question would show up on Jeopardy. Can't wait for more video game questions to start popping up as entertainment trivia.

With a collection that comprehensive, an organization dedicated to archiving games should purchase it. Obviously this person is in it for the money, so there aren't going to donate any of it.

At least it's something. It still feels like a waste to lose my gun collection from the first game. I did the masks, but the I don't like the color schemes of the skins. I think you can edit costume colors, even on collectible pieces, so hopefully you can edit these special skins also.

I meant that you don't have analog movement. I know the mouse provides analog aiming. Keyboards need a joystick. I agree with you on the Wii nunchuck, but it could have used a D-pad to expand it's input range.