
Wow, PR can be so finicky.

There are so many factors for to the rising cost of game development. Three parts I know of are team sizes, production time-lines, and marketing budgets. From what I've heard lately, all three are getting out of control.

Here's the thing: They insist on a standard controller input being an accessory. Why not just bundle it with every system from now on? They did the same thing with Wii Motion Plus. Sold it separately for a little while, realized it was crucial, then packed it in and eventually built it in.

I take all fiction in kind. Since most twists are based on unknown elements, I try to decide whether I like the context rather than simply the individual element.

Finished my new ending (Synthesis extended) and I have to say I'm glad everything makes sense now. I'm going to look into the other endings and see what happens there. Now I can do my full second ME run with a smile.

Not all cheaters are like that. I'm saying make a space for cheaters who just want to goof around so they don't have to worry about getting in the way of legitimate games. Otherwise, every cheater, regardless of motivation, is getting in the way. You don't want to start turning people away from the game when you

At first I was like "Really?" Then I thought about it and Namco Bandai makes Soul Calibur, Tekken, the Naruto Storm games, and a bunch of other non-mainstream fighters. They are most qualified next to Nintendo. Even more so than Capcom because Capcom hasn't made a non-traditional fighter since Power Stone and they

Here's a good plan Nintendo:

Here's the thing I realized about wanting games. The only games we know we want from other developers are sequels, and can only ever be sequels. Why? Because they aren't our games and we aren't in charge of their development.

Here is the real deal of why Square Enix has sucked very much these few years.

Very nice to have candid portions of interviews.

Perhaps developers should look at the cheats being used and make them into rule sets that can be used for custom games. I understand that developers have a specific way to play their game in mind, but that doesn't seem like a good reason to not use legitimate measures to perhaps reduce cheating.

No it's not. The wireless 360 controllers run on a proprietary signal. That's why no third party Xbox controllers are wireless. It would require licensing out the rights to the signal. That's also why Bluetooth accessory don't sync to the Xbox 360.

What do you mean by don't count out Bluetooth? I didn't mention anything about Bluetooth.

Tried the demo and I have to say I didn't completely hate it. There are some good ideas tucked in. It feels unpolished.

I'm not sure that top image really gives the right feel to the theme of this article. Seems more a romance related image.

Looks pretty interesting. Still a few specs we need to know about before getting too excited.

I fully embrace new IPs in general. What I have trouble is deciding when to spend money on them and how much. Also, I don't knock a game for flaws alone. I discriminate based on what the flaws are. Maybe in practice those flaws aren't as noticable, but when reviewers take the time out to bullet point them, it

It sounds more like Jimmy is the dumb one here. He said the words "system" and "console" in that statement and acted like he didn't know what those words meant. Then again, if he thought the controller was the system, I can see where he'd get mixed up.

You may be right. I'm sure it still uses infrared, but I'm not sure if it blocks cartridge swapping. The only reason the infrared becomes a big issue is because of the need to remove the accessory for swapping games, increasing the chance of misalignment with the sensor.