I did mince my words a little. I'm looking for "higher than 4" multiplayer standard.
I did mince my words a little. I'm looking for "higher than 4" multiplayer standard.
Video games could use more of this crazy design sense. Silliness for the sake of it is less common in games these days. I know digital-only is bringing back some of that silliness, so I look forward to the future bringing balance.
I was just using 7 as an example of an odd number of people that lots of games don't support. I'm not so much asking for specific numbers, but those groups that go beyond 4 people. This is more an issue on consoles than on PC, as large scale server or custom server support is more common.
I really don't mind failure in a game. Seeing Game Over and coming back to try again is fine with me, and I have been playing video games for almost two decades.
Went through a phase where I pronounced Sephiroth's name as "Spear-roth". Yeah. Tifa was "Tiff-fa" for the longest time until someone explained the long "eye" sound to me.
Really cool. It's great to see that level of detail. I still can't get past the failure of a better camera control system for land battles. That is why I will not purchase it.
I'm all for a series trying to branch out into other genres. I just want the quality to be there as well. I would be surprised if this game received a sequel.
I'm of the mind that Bioware doesn't have to change the endings. I would like them to, but I'm not going to demand a change. I prefer constructive criticism because I know the Mass Effect Universe will continue and I want it to. I would have expected things done differently, but I can't hate Bioware for not meeting…
Literally the most practical outfit Final Fantasy protagonists have ever worn. While I would totally buy this DLC for the game, I shall not spend more than a $1.00 for aesthetics.
His official response still doesn't seem to be addressing the main complaint of the endings not taking your previous choices into consideration in a significant way. I feel there would have been a simple way of making those choices matter with the same ending sequences.
Finally, I've beaten the game and chose my ending. Then this pops up so I can conveniently see what else could happen and why people have been talking about it for a week. The game has barely been out longer than a week, and spoilers seemed unavoidable. I'll try to AVOID spoilers in my reply.
A game that can make you care about how you play it, and care about it when you're not playing is the sign of a well designed game.
Maybe if more of the games with character creators were less serious affairs, then I'd indulge in more "creative" designs. Saints Row is a great series for just going goofy.
Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, WHOA! That last statement just sparked the best idea Nintendo hasn't had (maybe). Mario VS Donkey Kong VS Bowser. Donkey Kong was originally Mario's main nemesis/rival. DK stole Mario's woman back in the debut. How a game where DK and Bowser are in a fight with each other to take Peach,…
With the DLC world we live in, a single game can survive via expansions. Adding new features, modes, and such. Direct sequels aren't required.
I agree with this point. Each Final Fantasy has it's own merits that make it great and stand out in the series. While preceding installments introduced gameplay features first, proceeding titles refined those systems, making them even better. Every FF benefits from the others (some more than others).
What a beautiful topic! And one so eloquently touched upon by Mr. Hecker.
From the technical specs I hear, yes the iPad is more powerful than PS3 and Xbox 360. However, it's a platform that still lacks physical inputs for many traditional genres to work.
This is the first game I'll get for the Vita. The second is Malicious when it gets localized. Hopefully, Malicious being a PS3 and Vita game, I'll only have to buy it once and be able to play it on both systems.
When I originally saw that in a gameplay demo video of Asura's Wrath, I thought it was brilliant. However, being the story-nut I am, I most likely won't be skipping any of them when I play through.