
Taken on a freaking Iphone! It pisses me off to this day that the stereotype of needing a professional camera to take a decent picture still exists. The camera in an Iphone is anywhere from fair to pretty damn good (depending on which Iphone) so why would you be surprised that a good picture can come from it? Here's

Until I got to the end in my mind I was composing a reply about how you must be the age of my grandparents with a comment like that. Put a smile on my face! Tnaks

If you have never been to Rita's you do not know what you are missing. So many flavors of Italian ice (the list changes daily) and their custard is to die for. So cannot wait for them to open here next weekend (everything ice cream closes for the winter in northeast Ohio).

Do not put your parents on this! It is not a polished and finished product. If they are not tech savvy they will end up having problems of some sort and you will be the one constantly called to fix it. Leave them on 7 until 8 comes out.

People still use Twitter? Why?

I had a 128GB in there but took it out and put it in my pc when I stopped playing GT5 for a few months and I really miss it. Load times approximately 50% faster and everything in the game just breezed along. That's why I may make the jump soon but to a larger one. 128GB is fine for an operating system drive on a pc

Pretty sure it was AOL.

There is less bacteria in your toilet than there is in your kitchen sink. Much rather have my hands in there.

It might be very useful but damn, it's fucking ugly.

Just saw a 256 MB ssd for $250. Was thinking about getting 2, one for the laptop, the ohter for the PS3.

It doesn't say anywhere that you won't be able to get it on physical media, just not on a flash drive. No big deal, order a disc.

and do you know what happens near Orlando?

That is the only thing I miss having on my Galaxy S2 and Motorola thought so highly of it that they didn't even put it on the Atrix 2. What a great feature.

Why the hell is it that I click on the expand tab and I get a picture that is about 10% the size of what is shown? How can I check to see if it's been Photoshopped???

Can someone tell me if Chrome has tab groups yet? That is the only think keeping me from switching over from Firefox.

Deleted. Posted on wrong article. Duh

Firefox. Ad-block plus. What ads?

Embark only for New York city.

If you've ever had a tree ripened grapefruit you'd know that they really aren't bitter, they're actually sweet. Not like and orange but nothing like the ones you buy in a store that were picked three weeks before they ripened.

will either be a cinch of a pain in the ass.