"No speeding, no recklessness....nothing"
"No speeding, no recklessness....nothing"
Education discount here. I'll be subscribing for sure.
It could photograph a golf ball on the green from 80,000 feet up.
The point is....don't zoom at all.
The Dark Knight Returns would have Batman facing off against Two Face and The Joker....again.
I didn't really get it either until I downloaded it. The filters are cool (also accomplished by a shit ton of other iOS apps - I know). And it actually encourages me to use my 4S's camera more. Which believe it or not has made me a better shooter on my 7D. Which until recently I only used for video.
Did anyone else think of HBO's The Wire?
Why is it that every time I read Deadspin comments I hear the comedic cymbal crash play in my head. Never followed by applause or a laugh track.
Google does not sell Apps in the iOS store. They give them away. So any reasonable person would have to infer that ad money is being considered in the comparison. Why would they compare strictly Android App Market money to iOS search money? They wouldn't. So don't be ridiculous.
I use Google Docs, GMail, and Google Search. I've drank the proverbial Google Kool-Aid.
I should have read your last sentence first. Then I wouldn't have spent my time reading the rest of your comment. The differences in hardware that you get with iPhones are trivial at most (often requiring minor adjustments) when compared to the massive differences in Android hardware.
If Apple was going to take that lazy approach they would have done it long ago.
The LTE capable iPhone 5 is on the way. Do you doubt that it will change everything...yet again?
I think you have too much time on your hands. Apple has no reason to make these numbers up. Unless their reason was to spike stock prices. Which is ridiculous.
The term "War Chest" is pretty much standard for this type of thing. Google any companies name followed by the words and you'll see what I mean.
I understand the need to be PC every once in awhile in order to stand above the rest and point down upon them with your mighty finger of judgement but....
The iPad will never have a USB port or SDHC slot. So don't hold your breath.
By all accounts...Sabu was the leader of LulzSec. And I don't see Topiary's name anywhere above or mentioned in the article. So am I missing something?
i really hate to break this to you...and I'm not sure if anyone else has told you but...
Killer feature I'm looking for?