In a world...

Be honest.

you are right, the tantalus guy is wrong and is making excuses for the guy because he blindly hearts trudeau and obama most likely.

Haha no, not really. It was baby’s first quantum computing explanation. But it was still amusing and I applaud him for trying, even if it was to dodge a question that most people probably care more about.

The question was off-topic. An off-topic question is not necessarily an inappropriate question. While some feel that it was inappropriate because it it was off-topic, I don’t think less of the reporter for asking. I also would not have thought less of Trudeau for addressing the issue at a later date, and focusing on

If Justin Trudeau can explain quantum computing to a layperson, it gives me hope that someday a layperson can explain basic economics to Justin Trudeau.

That’s completely fair. FTR, I don’t find anything funny about “ironic” sexism towards any gender, and I should have addressed that in my original post.

Marina Abramovič
Laurie Anderson
Hito Steyerl
Annie Leibovitz
Vivienne Westwood
Tracey Emin
Sally Mann
Vija Celmins
Rachel Whiteread

Lmao you’re so pathetic. Despite all your asslicking, these people still don’t like you.

Maybe humor is not for you.

Ok. Are you willing to pay teachers 30k extra per year then? Remove tenure as one of the attractive features of this profession, and you make it even more precarious and low-rent than it already is.

Eh, I don’t know. I would hope most people understand that, as a matter of principle, supporting states prosecuting citizens for crimes because you don’t “like” that person or what they believe, as opposed to because you think that it is an appropriate use of state power is a super fucked up view to hold. So, if you

Good. This is a very reasonable decision. According to this memo, based on video evidence:

She’s cried wolf on a number of occasions. Glad to see that the police aren’t falling for it.

anyone else just...really tired,

I know yesterday I said I wanted more long prose articles but maybe I misspoke...

I know these letters and most of the words, but I can’t tell what they are trying to say.

I managed to go a school that had scandals with both while I was there! Both are disgusting.

Good examples.

I don’t believe that if you love someone, you have to love them forever, but I do believe it is possible to love someone and have that love last the rest of your lives (even if you live a long time!). I wouldn’t say it’s frequent or expected, but possible.

I love that we’re forcing a narrative about a movie that will gross $900 million globally is deemed a failure. I realize that it’s not doing the numbers they hoped for , but between theatrical revenue, home sales, merchandise, etc it’ll be fine.