In a world...

Her crime was running in the street and telling a cop to F off after being asked not to. You don’t get to ignore cops when you don’t feel like obeying the law. That’s not how a functioning society works.

....for breaking the law. And possibly for failing to comply with a lawful order depending on state law.

I guess even administrators need a safe space too.

I don’t even think it’s tribalism. It’s that men are more disposable. It’s that a man is worth less if he fails to physically defend himself.

It is something we wouldn’t do if genders were reversed. Something to think about.

Well, the rape of women that occurs every day is pretty horrible - will we start seeing Jezebel start off articles reporting incidents of rape with a couple of light rape jokes, maybe a whacky photo as well, to make those stories a little more digestible as well?

Agree but when women are horribly murdered by their spouses or boyfriends, commenters don’t crack jokes and are rightfully distressed and outraged. The prevailing emotion is anger and sadness, not levity. As it should be. Women getting murdered by domestic violence is all too common.

You do realize this is the same website that mocked an elderly Asian man who had a psychotic episode, and then the next day praised Cara Delvigne for her bravery in openly discussing her battle with depression ...

It’s not funny. And if this had been a women who couldn’t speak and was killed and fed to the dogs Jezebel and people commenting wouldn’t dare mock the story. Making jokes about a man who was brutally murdered is disgusting. The jokes and the picture are in bad taste.

I really have to say I think the ‘beggin’ strips’ joke and accompanying picture for this article are crass. These are terrible things that have happened to real people. I can’t imagine if a man had killed his wife in this manner that anyone on this site would be wise cracking.

I suppose same-gender rapes usually aren’t gender-motivated hate crimes.

Thank you for pointing this out. I was disappointed that Jezebel didn’t mention that ad in their article. I shouldn’t be surprised by that, though.

You heard Hillary’s latest attack on Sanders, that Vermont is the source of most of the guns criminals kill with in New York? Flat out lie, of course. She’ll figure out a way to use this Eric Garner ad against him by lying about it too.