In a world...

“male race” - talking about the “nation’s laughing stock”. ‘Race’ does not mean what you think it means.

I bet the opposite will be true, hence the *she’s just a little gurl under the spell of an evil, evil monster who’s also much, much older than her* defense by her lawyer. This will work like a charm. She’ll get probation, he will do hard time.

Read the petition and tell me where they talk about all victims. They only talk a bout female victims of stalking and they do so for a reason and the reason sure isn’t that there are no male stalking victims. How hard would it have been to make this petition gender neutral to include *all* victims?

What was his answer to the question? You should know, you’ve claimed time and again that he gave an answer, yet the answer is nowhere to be found. So it’s either put up or shut up.

That was not the point. An organisation that promotes equality completely ignores male victims of stalking by only adding male stalkers of female victims to its database. The perpertators registered would only be men and only female victims would benefit from it. If you can’t see the irony behind this idea, coming

I see, so ‘real’ stalking is only stalking when it leads to violence/murder? As long as the stalker just breaks into your home, bombards you with crazy messages, calls you at every hour of the day, follows you around, slashes the tires of your car etc, there should be no need to look into this*. All this apparently

She’s probably ‘MU’ or something to her friends :-)

This article and The Women’s Equality Party on their site as well as in their petition only talk about female victims. How about male victims of male and female stalkers? Will they be included or will this be yet another attempt to erase male victims of any kind from the public conscience? Quite a few male celebrities

I fully agree with you. This wasn’t me criticizing Trudeau, but merely pointing out that he tried to evade answering a question that was off-topic but certainly not inapproriate within the context of this event and his office.

Everybody who ‘misunderstands’ answering political questions with answering to the most intimate questions about the sexual practices of a spouse, is a special kind of dumb.

It’s Teigen, not ‘Teigan’, unless the birth created a vowel switcheroo.

‘Luna’, really? I thought we had that covered with the Zappa offspring decades ago.

In what bizarro world would that be a *political* question? To think that people as dumb as you are actually allowed to procreate...

Still no answer published. I guess it’s a state secret.

Heck, I guess Trudeau doens’t know as much about public speaking as you do, b/c wouldn’t you know it, he actually answered multiple questions that had nothing to do with science at that event:

Oh hon, we both know that you would gladly link to a source that confirmed your (baseless) theory about Trudeau actually answering the question. Your condescension is just masking your utter cluelessness and we both know that you know how that feels (and not just in the morning).

I did not “make a claim”, the proof is in the clip. He dodged the question about a timeline for a new ISIL mission. You made the claim that various news publications suggested he answered that question already and I asked you to back that up with a source. You couldn’t.

No, if he had answered that question by giving a timeline for another ISIL mission, this would have been it, regarding *this* question.

As a physicist, did you get the notion, that he was actually trying to explain quantum computing, or even scratch the surface of it? For me, this felt more like an elegant way to simply avoid the real question the journalist had asked. I’m not a physicist, but even I have heard of qbits and quantum computing allowing

“When do you expect Canada’s ISIL mission to begin again” was the question the journalist asked. Please source Trudeau’s answer about the ISIL timeline from the Toronto Star, HuffPost or any other publication.