In a world...

Guy with a Masters in Special Education

Not in schools, between teachers and students, obviously.

but anyone who’s seen Batman v Superman or Zoolander with their own eyes knows they’re bad and money shouldn’t be spent on them.

Secondly, more people are viewing an adult woman engaging in sexual intercourse with a minor as rape, instead of sex.

that it’s natural for a grown man or a grown woman hired to teach school-aged girls and boys to be sexually attracted to them, and for the responsibility of curbing that attraction, whose endpoint is statutory rape, to fall on those school-aged girls and boys.

You’re right, if coal mines or hospitals would just hire those many, many unemployed male nurses or female miners available, we’d have gender balance in those professions as well.

Isn’t that considered sweet talk in the music business with all the revenge songs and twitter wars?

So, petty and unprofessional or simply unprepared? Not a good look either way.

Did it ever occur to you, that the employment at tech companies is pretty much what the market offers at the moment? Has anyone ever complained about the imbalance at hard labor jobs (coal miners, waste collectors, truck drivers, construction workers etc.). Without doing a google search, I guesstimate it at about 95%

What’s the hand-wringing about? What should those tech companies do instead? Wait with the family leave programs until there is gender parity in the tech industry? Not offer paid family leave to men at all (*sorry dudes, no paid family leave for people with penises, but we still want you to be more involved in nursing

But what of Foos’ records? Do they really offer the insight into the sexual culture of the 1970s that Foos insists they do and Talese hopes they might?

That begs the question - can you make it through a TSwift concert as an adult man, listening to the blandest of pop music, surrounded by screaming pubescent girls, without being high as a kite?

Kylie Jenner: ‘I started wigs’

Has nothing to do with her being a woman. She simply heeded the advice given to every public figure being photograped in public - do not shove a piece of food in your mouth while being photograped. They always make you look like this:

Yeah, I’m down with gay and I don’t mind homo, but gay and homo, that’s a deal breaker.

That thing on her head, if it moves, kill it, kill it with fire!

I believe ‘committing a crime’ does not mean what you think it means. If your so planned to murder you and hired someone to do it, wouldn’t you say that he is guilty of a crime? Charles Manson for example never killed anyone, yet he’s in prison for decades now cuz he was found guilty of conspiring to commit seven

All the criminals on that list are your typical run-of the-mill murderers. There are no mass murderers, terrorists or serial killers on it. One guy is wanted for robbing $7 million and incapacitating 2 guards in the process. So he’s not even a murderer.

My answer was referring to criticizm of his carbon footprint, not Madonna. Your comment shows me that you may be an adult, but only semi-literate.