
I am so fucking sick of this. Tom Izzo is the king of it - though he only does it, coincidentally, during the half that the Spartans are on defense on that end of the court.

Hang six and a half, bro

The lead singer looks like Heath Ledger reborn as Eddie Vedder's left testicle.

"Fuckin' beautiful."

But, hey, at least it's a woman so it's not a "distraction".

The two things that are perfect about this video, runners talking about running, and Californians announcing they're from California

Which bank were you on your way to rob?

People always argue, if you could go back in time to kill one person, who would it be? Hitler? Stalin? For me, those guys would have to wait. I'd go back and kill the first girl who ever did the "Duck Face" while posing for a picture. I'd do it for all of humanity.

Somebody please tell him that the bicep kiss wan't cool the first time he did it, and still isn't cool the following 100 times either.

That's an all-purpose top she's got on in both pictures.

"DDD: two dudes in my ass at the same time"

I can't make heads or tails of how that orgy situation would go mechanically. There should be video of that. And I would jerk off to that video on principle.

Isn't it weird how so many QB's have a built similar to us average males?

Now playing

Deadspin likes reaction videos right? Sure? Here's the Wisconsin football team reacting to the touchdown. Note the Bears fan in the front.

Marquette still sucks. Unless you want to be a dentist.