
Forged documents falls under fake news for me and most everyone else.

The Dan Rather story was not fake. There are questions about some of the documents used to support the thesis but they were never proven to be fake

Because the House vote is the closest thing to a competitive national vote. It’s kind of important to the context.

Yeah, that’s like Dan Rather making the correction that his “George W. Bush Air National Guard” documents are fake, or Rolling Stone issuing a correction for their UVA story. You can’t get the key facts wrong.

The basis of the article is not supported by the facts in the article.

It’s hard to argue they have a mandate when they were walloped in legislative elections

Eh. I didn’t laugh at it, but I certainly don’t find it problematic.

Counterpoint: it was a bad joke. I’m not offended by it, at least not nearly to the extent the author of this piece is, but it didn’t make me laugh, smile, or even smirk a little bit, either.

you’re 100% right.

Yeah. Forced apologies aren’t sincere nor do they actually matter.

I’d say the reaction to a joke that was kinda clever, kinda meh, very harmless is perhaps a reason why Democrats lost the election.

It was an acceptable joke. I wasn’t dying with laughter. It worked for what it was.

it was a good joke

Yea all the women who think Hillary sucks are misogynists, including myself. Good theory !

No, I’d say the voters have something to do with it.

Agree she was a shit candidate and she did NOT get my vote, nor did Trump. Do the things that she had done just with the email and you or I would be in prison. She’s the best they could muster? They undermined Bernie and got caught at it and thought there would be no repercussions? Blame the Russians for “hacking” but

They somehow couldn’t see the writing on the wall that the big issue was globalization. Trump and Bernie both made huge inroads on opposite sides of the spectrum on that single issue. But still democrats thought it was safer to maintain a status quo. Try to please everyone, end up pissing off everyone.

So it is not the candidate’s fault whether they win or lose? That’s new.

Nope. Sanders supporters were mocked and called children for trying to prevent this stress from happening. If Sanders were the nominee the Dem turnout in urban areas would have been extremely higher.

Umm, this is absolutely Hillary Clinton’s fault. She colluded with the DNC to win the primary by pushing negative stories about Sanders and holding debates during NFL playoff games. She got debate questions in advance because she never answers any questions off the cuff. She never connected with voters but it was ‘her