
Oh you were a fool long before I came along to help you illustrate it...

So the Democratic Party predicted CLinton would win (variably “in a landslide” to “handily”), and,

And yet you keep giving me reasons to apply the word “pedantic” to your responses.

Well, maybe it is a good thing she didn’t get a Nobel Prize as the theory of Dark Matter is coming under serious scientific challenge lately?

Obama was a shitty student in college, a disaster in Foreign Policy as President, the most NON-transparent man to hold the office and now is demonstrating his complete lack of grace as he moves out of the White House.

I’m glad she completed her work in the role - that would be a sad reality if she hadn’t.

Your writing is incoherent. Your thoughts are not organized. Your skepticism/denialism of climate science is ignorance wrapped in pseudoscience.

I understand what you’re pointing out but you are using the context of the study in this particular article. I’ve seen & read others that show these systems are much more vulnerable (open) than demonstrated here and that makes the personal gain (murder, etc.) quite likely for those so inclined.

I understand that, because you are pedantic, context is hard for you to grasp.

hahaa you really are laughably pedantic.

One thing:

“knocking the crap out of predators.”

While I agree that people should not be panicked about this we certainly ARE in the “STOP YOUR ENGINE” territory.

Hopefully there will soon no longer be a political theorist and professor by the name of George Ciccariello-Maheremployed at Drexel University in Philadelphia.

it’s hard to believe that donations to the Clinton Foundation were even a drop in the bucket.

Science is certainly - like most other things you comment on seemingly - harder for you than it is for many others.

2 things:

You didn’t even begin to understand my comment because you only see the world thru your narrow lens.

HA! a Hunter College Professor, oh that’s rich!

The Paris Accord can and will save nothing.