budget his neckscarf spending
budget his neckscarf spending
You’ve never watched the stream but you’re willing to speculate that all she does it talk about her transition now? Why bother making a comment like that if you’ve never watched the stream?
Oh Jesus, fuck of to tumblr or something.
Taco that craps ice cream 2020
And yet nobody on Earth freaked when Morgan Freeman literally played god twice.
You mean, because TWOC mostly have to worry about being killed?
I’m not even Christian, and I wonder whether some of these pastors have ever read the Sermon on the Mount.
It’s a big step-up from being a burning bush.
A pastor in California is part of a faction of Christians upset about Octavia Spencer’s role as God in the movie adaptation of William P. Young’s controversial 2007 novel The Shack. Spencer is black, you see, and God is a white man.
“She said on bad days, she’s gotten the same basic or offensive questions 20 times in less than 24 hours.”
The Internet often seems full of this. There’s a weird impulse in some people to demand an explanation for something that could easily be learned through casual Google searches.
Good for her, I hope these kinds of things get more visibility. The more they see the light, the less we can stop hating on each other. Games should be enjoyed by everyone
Keep telling the same joke, Bobby! Sooner or later, it’ll be funny!
Sady Doyle, in the next four years, will tweet-storm on how Ivanka is being unfairly attacked, but no one will be able to read it as she’ll have blocked everyone else on twitter.
Yeah. Silver was one of the only non-Right Wing voices saying that Trump had a chance in the final months of the election and these assholes still shit on him.
Silver takes the blame because he’s the mascot of the super-scientific secret-sauce predictions crowd, but him and the Upshot guys and the Princeton Election Consortium nerds and everyone else who convinced us the Democrats had this one in the bag all have to look in their mirrors every night for the rest of their…
Emilio Estevez. Charlie Sheen. Martin Sheen. George Clooney.