
Black men assault women, too. Brown men as well.

You also have a ridiculous murder rate and thousands of shootings every year. You also have toddlers getting killed b/c of gang violence.

What specifically is an impeachable defense?

+1 these are the same people that want to be “tough” on Russia.

What do majority of Muslims think about women’s reproductive rights and gay marriage?

You are aware the inauguration is on Friday? On Saturday, no one will be there except the women’s march.

Did you miss the news about the Clinton Initiative shutting down due to lack of pledged money? Is the timing just a coincidence? Do you think those foreign governments would have backed out if Hillary had won?

But at what point do we stop allowing what’s happening to continue to happen because we’re too civilized to call them out on their awful agenda.

Russia has WMDs. That worked last time. Let’s get em!

So you’re saying, that for 5 years, The Kremlin has been priming Donald Trump for a run at the 2016 presidential election? And the fact that NO ONE in this country, not the news media, not pundits, not celebrities, not even Republican congressman, thought Donald had a chance of winning, even on November 7th. But Putin

Any less true? You’re saying white people don’t get arrested? Or are you using hyperbole to make a vapid point?

Oh that’s right. You’re a woman, so I have to communicate with you differently from everyone else. I forgot about equality.

You realize these are anti-Session protesters, right?

No. I’m saying Jezebel makes money off of a story about Milo. Period. Whether it’s criticizing him or flattering him. You were appalled that a company could use someone like Milo to make money. Jez gets paid when people click on their articles, including this one.

And Jezebel is MAKING MONEY from this article

See, what you’re doing is commonly known as “blackwashing”. Where you ignore all the problems POC have due to their own culture (ya know, like how black culture is homophobic and misogynistic and has a penchant for violence) and blame absolutely everything wrong in the world on “white people”. You ignore all the great

Black people take welfare and housing subsidies, and turn around and say white people ain’t helpin!

White people created democracy.