
Wait, that's not Nick Kroll?

I thought the scene would have been way better if they used veggies instead of fruit. Arya could've fell in a basket full of tomatoes and used that as the fake blood instead, none of this "blood-orange" bullshit. This had the makings of a great episode, and they ruined it by smashing up fruit, nature's toot.

That's sweet, bro.

The bible is basically a written weapon for the masses to do with it what they will. You're right, the authors of each book wrote it as their faith/guidance/etc. and then later somebody decided to turn it into a clusterfuck of ideals that contradict each other at every turn. What gets me is some people today still use

Dang Bruce Campbell deserves a real Emmy; too bad awards shows are not based on real acting skill and badassery, otherwise he'd have won every year by now :(

Andy Daly playing a doctor again, does this mean it's in the same universe as Silicon Valley?

Nope, no thanks to Robert Jerkman.

I'd get that. I think the joke was that she looked ( or is supposed to look) exactly like her from behind, that was the whole point of hiring her. I think in the first episode of the season they show both of them from behind but I can't remember if they really looked identical or not.

I'll take your word for it. And I'll check out Holidays on Ice. Just having that short story is good enough to buy.

I respect [the] Melvins. They're one of my best-friend's favorite bands. We went to go see them at The Obervatory in Santa Ana. Killer show, they rocked.

I've seen David Sedaris's book Engulfed in Flames numerous times on my trips to Barnes & Noble. I really enjoyed "Santaland Diaries" when I read it in English class a while ago. This review (as with any review) doesn't have me wholly convinced… is there anyone out there that can attest to this review and give it the

I forgot Margery was Selina's body-double completely in this scene. I thought the shock was more the fact that Catherine was with a woman (which I'm guessing was Catherine's reveal, but many of you saw this as something far more deep). Poor Catherine, she needs her mother's affection so much she started dating a woman

I'll check it out. Though, I'm afraid it won't live up to my standards after Fargo seasons 1 & 2. I know they're technically not the same thing, but after that Hawley has been one of my favorite writers/show-runners in recent history.

"She's really into crystals and shit." That one got me.

I thought his death (I believe he's dead) was perfect as is. If they bring him back now, the story will suffer for it.

I read somebody on here (but a different thread) refer to the same term as analingus. Potato-Potato, or Tamato-Tamato?

Give it a chance. There are positive vibes in the show, too (so many funny transactions between characters and the sight-gags and long-running jokes are like nothing you've seen in a television show). There are tough/touching moments too, but it is all worth it watching Bojack's transformation from Bojack Horseshit to

I'm exited for more misadventures with Todd.