Think her response would change if someone ‘protested’ against her the same way?
Think her response would change if someone ‘protested’ against her the same way?
But you were let in and you didn't have to speak with police did you
I love it. Striking match workers!
I think once it gets rolling so to speak, insurers will probably prefer autonomous over human. That whole machines don’t make mistakes thing. Unless there are suddenly a lot of problems I think in general, humans would probably be the go to blame takers in any mishaps. I might be thinking this way cuz I just finished…
Welcome to Fight (e)Mail
Wouldn't this fall under the (lame) joke/gag heap as opposed to satire? Anyway, I hear that after the two massive snow hurricanes (snowicanes?) that everyone on the east coast is living in caves they had to dig out themselves because all the illegal immigrants were relocated. Bill O'Reilly was there reporting live.
That's because there was no blue. Don't let these people try to fool you. Gold and white. Gold and off-white. Never blue. I have said this til I was blu........I'm done.
You are so wrong.
Is it Kris Jenner or the ghost of Michael Jackson in that spider fur?
I swear to jeebusmaryjosuf that shot of Kriss Jenner in her spider fur looked like the ghost of Michael Jackson at first glance. Have mercy