I'm Ron Burgundy?

Charlie's friend is officially my favorite character after that 'slim leg' hand motion. Fantastic.

Dick Gautier

*One of the Batgirls is Barbara Gordon.

I always loved the writing of that series.

do you realize there was a time when even a superhero like Batgirl couldn't catch a break?

Though I would probably never chastise an athlete for playing through a serious injury, because who the fuck is going to tell Kelly Strug that the gold metal wasn't worth possibly landing on a broken foot? I sure as hell am not going to be a person like that.

Well, first, I never really said anything about length. More so the fact that it makes no sense and just comes across as something a freshman english lit major would title their end of year thesis to sound deep and introspective.

there is a very, very long list of bands who have song titles with longer names.

Amount of times a musician can risk a career threatening concussion < Amount of times an athlete can risk a career threatening concussion.

Sorry, all I got out of this was Fiona yet again has the most pretentious album title I've ever seen.

Why do we put money in a clear toilet bowl?

Yeah, I totally did not see that coming at ALL.

But her LinkedIn page would be FANTASTIC.

I hate those jingles so much.

Moscow Mules are amazing.

I've never dared venture to a bikini barista, I have a feeling it's not a pretty sight.

It was a sad day when Stumptown sold itself off to a corporation. Another one bites the dust.

I love when Kurt Loader (DEEP CUT!) corrected her grammar in one of the poems on MTV and she got super pissed.

We'd be hammered so it wouldn't matter!