
Let me go track down HamNo’s number

I don’t approve of doxing anyone

Won’t someone think of the nazis?

You’re right. It’s wrong to accuse you of being a nazi. You’re merely a nazi sympathizer.

What you should do is, you should definitely not call or text Stephen Miller’s phone number. Problem solved!

Civil disobedience is how you change things dipshit. Protest is supposed to be confrontational.

technically its an incel phone

Dear Grays,

You left out the subset of black people agreeing with him. There are several problematic regular people on my Facebook parroting Kanye’s nonsense, talking about how they are no longer slaves to groupthink. These black people actually have no idea about history, just like Mr. West. If anything this highlights a major

All work well, but I’ve been having trouble with OneDrive. I can’t seem to get it to sync with more than one PC. I had it synced to a desktop PC, but needed to access some of my files on my laptop, so I wanted to associate my OneDrive account on the laptop in addition to the PC.

Screw OneDrive. I use it for some stuff since I get free Office 365 from the ExpertZone but since they offered, then took away unlimited storage they’re on my crap-list. If you offer a service for unlimited storage and then pull it back because people upload too much, that’s not a failure on them but on you. Don’t

I’ve seen and really don’t get this argument. My last name has been my last name from birth. Just like it was my father’s last name from birth. Is it more “his” last name than mine because he’s a man? Or because he’s older? It’s not “my father’s name”—it’s a whole bunch of “Keyser’s” (men and women) names. Including

Nor would I! That’s not really what this is for.

Nor would I! That’s not really what this is for.

Yes. I am a former military helicopter maintainer and this story has many fishy elements. If this actually happened I would wager that the tanker reduced the aerodynamic drag on the Phantom more than anything else. The refueling booms I am familiar with would not be able to withstand much load at all.
Reminds me of a

LOL, “fighter” instead of daughter.

How much pull are they designed for? It has to be more than 0. Sulley dropping a plane into the Hudson with no fatalities was amazing; this is mildly interesting and seems exaggerated. Check the article and see which engine overheated. Is it #1 or #2?

Who knows - the article is a mess. Which engine overheated?

As a current Boom Operator, I can verify (second-hand) that it is indeed possible to tow a fighter with the boom. I’m not sure when it was introduced but we actually have a checklist procedure.

It’s not that much pull required. If the engines were providing 90% of the thrust required, then the pull is only 10%. I won’t look it up, but say the plane weighed 50k and was flying with an 8:1 L/D; so about 6k of thrust required. 10% is only 600 pounds of pull. Had the Phantom engines totally failed, then that

It is my understanding that the refueling probe will automatically disengage if stressed to a certain point to prevent damaging the probe and/or the refueling aircraft. How, then, was North Star able to “tow” the Phantom? Even if that safety can be disengaged, I would think that the amount of force on the probe