
Call me crazy but 9 years ago wayy back here in my country the Philippines, everyone was doing this. Paying for levels... I don’t know why it should be “illegal” or outlawed it’s just a video game not drugs or terrorism. The guy pays another guy who did some work for a character I don’t see any problem in that at all.

Consoles saved PC? 22 years ago PC wanted Nintendo to give attention to PC gaming. They laughed at PC so we came up with DOOM. Then console manufacturers begged for it, so we ported Doom in low settings.... thus the horrible ports started

I was just starting to get into fall out new vegas

Call me cheap I loved the film. Oh and the film portrayed our world today as accurate... nothing but pure madness but the film does not want that and reminds us about hope in the middle of our madness

Hope Just Cause 3 will have many explosions and destruction

reminds me about mass effect

Nice spinoff?

I stopped reading at "too ambitious for current gen". MAKE IT PC EXCLUSIVE

It's like retrenchment or something. Do labor laws or corporate laws apply to EA? Security of Tenure?

Use Islam for ransom and money... CLASSIC

Can't wait for next level of you know what!

can't wait to play this with my relatives xD

Now I believe that Apple fans are indeed brain dead no matter what part of the planet they are living... this is getting out of control.


About time! I always thought about someone Cheating in this game. Especially that dude I fired at with my M4 who then jumps and 360 insta head shot me with his bull while I was running to the left ._.

STELLA? WHERE IS STELLA? or is she LUNA? helfaaaa

After seeing how the Australia Hostage taking unfold... (I would probably get bashed by this) I'm sure Lord Gaben has his reasons to pull it off

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!! no no no no no NO NO NO !!! *Sobs in corner

NO NO NO NO NO!!! NO NO NO no!!!!!!!!! NO NO NO NO NO NO !!! *Sobs in corner

"2099" XD