I worked at a south Boston hospital 5 years ago. They still used heavy crude/thick shipping crude to run the boilers. It had to run all the time. Huge 5000 gallon tanks filled weekly. It was fucking toxic. Right in an urban area.
I worked at a south Boston hospital 5 years ago. They still used heavy crude/thick shipping crude to run the boilers. It had to run all the time. Huge 5000 gallon tanks filled weekly. It was fucking toxic. Right in an urban area.
Ass. Such an ass.
You’re sick.
Assisted cutting trees when younger....
What the hell?
Just dropped my son off for freshman year. Lucky guy. He’s in a triple with only one other guy.
Lets not get too crazy. Sure dormant money is not in the system. BUT, please don’t suggest a possible Trickle Down affect. Lowering taxes on the rich to get them to spend has been proven false. Making the rich richer so they can spend Does Not improve the economy. The US has decades of real data proving this.