You spelled Dodge wrong
You spelled Dodge wrong
I had a friend in high school who’s dad worked for Panasonic America. Specifically for their home appliance division. There was a intentional focus on how switches, knobs and controls felt and sounded. They would have samples scattered on the table to feel an test. Now that everything is touch screen guess that’s a…
Pontiac or GTFO :D
As a kid growing up in the 80's it always seemed to me that anything Japanese- whether it was a boom box, car, TV set or whatever was approximately 20 years into the future. My Mom had a 1985 Camry and the stereo in it was insane: 200 teeny little buttons and knobs, all of which made neat, satisfying little clicky…
That’s how you do it.
This is one of those that makes me debate the spirit of NPOND. Would I, with my own money, buy this car at this price? No, because it’s not something that interests me. But looking at a nationwide search of CarGurus for V6 Camaros of this vintage it seems to fall right in line with other offerings, if not a tad…
Hickory dickory dock. This mark 4 can’t make it around the block.
irony is getting bent out of shape over a name change for a blog post while also complaining how “PC” people get bent out of shape about stuff.
I’m 52. Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional. And now that I’m old enough to have a say in the matter, I have come to the conclusion that IDGAF about what other people think. Like what you like, or don’t, because it’s your money, your time, your preferences that matter to you. Everything else is…
I think you nailed it... it’s a “neat” car. The switchable tops are fun, but it feels like a $3k car.
I’d bet real money Rob had nothing to do with it.
Bye —*— || ——Buy
But I’ll never know what
Not sure why anyone would ruin a perfectly good MR2 to build....this.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...
Buying this at any price wouldn’t be a sound decision - but no classic car is a sound decision so Hell Yeah it’s a Nice Price. V12 for 5 grand that is in good shape. Do it up! Who needs AC, roll down the windows!
The earlier & rounder XJs look better, but $5k for a pristine-looking V12 with no running issues is a perfectly good price.
It’s a nice price as long as you view it like a membership at an exclusive country club. That is, the $5000 is your initiative fee and you will be billed on a regular basis after that.
My first thought was “hell no.”